Welcome back to another episode in the lead magnets series! Today I am joined by one of my very own mentors and friends – Linda Sidhu. Linda is the queen of quizzes and today she is sharing all the ways you can use quizzes to grow your business.
The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This is a podcast for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategy in order to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose. Because even muggles can become automated wizards.
You’re ready to grow your email list, but stuck on an idea for a lead magnet? I created a master lead magnet idea list just for you to help you over the hurdle! Grab my Master Lead Magnet Idea List!
Linda Sidhu is a list-building expert and strategic partner with Interact (the quiz platform), who helps entrepreneurs create irresistible personality quizzes that bring in hundreds of new subscribers on autopilot.
As a result of her success as a top-ten pharmaceutical sales rep, Linda designed a framework for personality quizzes that converts views to leads at seventy percent. She also personalizes marketing for her customers, many of whom have grown their email lists by the thousands and have had six-figure course launches.
There isn’t a better way to grow your email list than with a personality quiz because if you know your client’s personality type, you can understand their buying decisions and better serve them as a whole.
Linda has been featured in Forbes and on The Art of Online Business Podcast with Rick Mulready.
Get To Know Linda Sidhu (1:35)
Investing in yourself: my experience taking Linda’s course (5:31)
Marketing yourself with a lead magnet: why quizzes? (9:01)
Conversion of quizzes as lead magnets (13:06)
How to get started with quizzes (15:35)
Three most common quiz mistakes(18:44)
Systems to put in place in order to implement quizzes (23:50)
Linda’s freebie how to nail your quiz idea (26:09)
Mentioned in this Episode:
Dolly’s 1st Quiz (all about Funnels)
Connect with Linda ⬇️
Connect with Dolly ⬇️
Dolly DeLong
Welcome to the systems and workflow magic podcast where I help entrepreneurs go from scattered to streamlined in their creative businesses. I’m your host dolly DeLong, a wife, a mom and a photographer turned systems educator. Join me every week as we have conversations centered around creating tactical workflows, and automations in your business. Now, let’s make some strategic workflow magic. Hey friends, and welcome back to the systems and workflow magic podcast. It’s me dolly and I am so excited that you have decided to join me today. So again, I am reminding everyone I am doing a series about the systems and workflows of lead magnets. And I have an amazing guest today. Her name is Linda Sidhu. And we are going to be picking her brain about the systems of quizzes, because she is the quiz queen. She is the queen of quizzes. And she has some great she’s created some great lead magnets, using quizzes and has grown her email list in amazing ways. And so I just wanted to bring her on as a guest today you are going to learn so much from her. So I am going to have her introduce herself because like I could go on and on about her because she’s literally helped change a lot of facets of my business with quizzes. So Linda, welcome. Hey, Dolly. I’m
Linda Sidhu
so excited to be here. Thank you. Yeah, definitely.
Dolly DeLong
Um, can you just share a little bit about yourself and about how you got started with quizzes and just like a little bit about your business? Yeah, absolutely.
Linda Sidhu
It’s so funny thing is, I attribute a lot of my success with quizzes in my pharmaceutical sales experience. About 10 years ago, I was in dermatology sales. And I worked for a very, very small company. And at the time, they had us when we were hired on, we would go to Home Office for two weeks. And part of the two week training, we learned a lot about our personality. And so we were in a room, the specialist was in disc. So the DISC assessment. And I really took it to heart because two of my doctors in the pharmaceutical industry were in the top 10 in the nation. So I knew when I got back to my, you know, where I got back to my territory, I needed to sell to these doctors, but these doctors knew way more than me. They did clinical studies for my products. And so what I did is I really leaned into understanding their personality and developing relationships with them. And so that worked beautifully. And I was always in the top 10 Every single year, and I never felt like I was selling stuff. But fast forward. When I became a mom, I decided to stay home with my son. And then when he was in kindergarten, I took a business school to learn how to launch an online business because I still wanted to stay at home with him, but bring some income and use my strengths and talents as well because I felt that was important as a mom. And it was a nice outlet for me. And what I did is I launched a personality quiz because it was the only thing that made sense. And I had so much success with that in the first three months that even the platform interact, reached out to me and they were like, Why is your quiz converting so high? Talk to me about what you’re doing. And they even brought me on board to be a strategic partner. And that’s really where things started to turn a corner for me. I wasn’t just doing email marketing, I really started to focus on top of the funnel, lead magnets, quizzes.
Dolly DeLong
Wow, that was amazing. That’s incredible. And I knew I I knew part of your story. But I didn’t realize that you had like originally gotten into quizzes because you wanted to stay at home with your son and work around his schedule. I did not know that.
Linda Sidhu
Yeah, I always felt like mother her motherhood was amazing. But I really connect with women who are in business, not necessarily, you know, stay at home moms. Unfortunately, I didn’t really feel like the stay at home mom was somebody that I was truly connecting with. I really wanted to get back into those conversations of leadership and business and marketing and for me to feel fulfilled just in my own like as my own person, right. So I wanted to be at home with Liam, but I wanted to figure out something on the side. What can I do that’s going to fill my cup as well. And that’s really where I knew I needed to get back into some type of work environment but I didn’t want to be out Beside the home, I wanted to figure out like there’s all these people are working from their couch, right? Like how do I work from my couch and
Dolly DeLong
I can’t sit a pina colada from the beach. But at least I want to be on my couch,
Linda Sidhu
on my couch, be able to pick my son up from school, take them to soccer practice, be there if he’s sick, like, I want to do all those things. And so this was exactly it was the right path for me. And I love it.
Dolly DeLong
Awesome. Awesome. And for those of you who are like, wondering, Well, how did you to get connected? Like I was trying to think of that as well before we did this interview. And I remember about two years ago, signing up for one of your lead magnets about quizzes, because you were like doing a webinar. And then I became Instagram friends with you. And we talked a little bit about Instagram and like not Instagram, about quizzes on Instagram. And then you had an opening for your quiz Lab, which we’ll talk a little bit about in this interview. But I wanted to let everyone know that I the reason why I am having Linda here is not just like to pick her brain about quizzes, but because I’ve actually learned from her about how to create a quiz and how to create a good lead gen quiz. And so she has helped me out so much I’ve actually invested in her and I’m so happy I invested in you, Linda, you really did help change a lot of different things for my business.
Linda Sidhu
Thank you, Dolly. Yeah, you know, I remember a conversation you were actually I remember you because you were showing up and my three day nail your quiz idea challenge that I hosted on the fall. And I remember seeing your face every day. And I’m like, wow, this is amazing. And I It wasn’t just you, there were several other people that I really, that really stood out to me. But you I think were the one that stood out the most. And so I connected with you and wanted to see if you were interested in getting on a call to learn more. And I know that investing in yourself is really hard. I’ve been there to where my very first investment was was with Laura Belgrade and her mastermind group and I was like, who am I to be doing this. And, you know, it was a lot more money than what I felt comfortable pain and but at the end of the mastermind group, I felt like my life had shifted. And I think there’s something to be said, when you invest in something, either a skill set or a mastermind group. But you’re also gaining a lot of confidence in yourself and your business. And I think it’s really imperative for business owners to be able to do that, because it really helps give you the competence you need to succeed.
Dolly DeLong
Yeah. And I also enjoyed, like just getting to know you getting to know, like, I know you said get, you’re not trying to reach other stay at home moms, because I’m also a stay at home mom running a business, but I just really connected with you very well, because you have a very sweet personality. I don’t know if that is the vibe you want to give. But that is the vibe I pick up from you very sweet Linda.
Linda Sidhu
Well, I do want to be clear, I didn’t mean that I don’t want to reach stay at home moms I do, especially the ones that are working from home like you and I, what I met was just having the conversations, I enjoy having conversations about business and marketing that really lights me up. I don’t necessarily like about like talking about, like, you know, when you’re at a park or playground, or it’s just like the same conversations about feeling tired and like, I just feel like this, this energy, like I like to connect with people who I don’t know, it’s always marketing and business. And that’s what really lights me up because I’m completely fascinated with mainly marketing and communication. And I love people in general. I just meant that, where as a mom, I knew I needed to be doing something for myself was would light me up, right? Yeah,
Dolly DeLong
I totally connect with that. I completely get that. Like that’s a good segue into just like marketing in general marketing yourself with a lead magnet and a form of lead magnet is a quiz. And so I wanted to just pick your brain about why like I have a series of questions for you. I’m gonna be asking you but I wanted to ask you why. Like quizzes. I know we talked about like, what got you started with quizzes? And but why specifically quizzes because there are hundreds of different types of lead magnets that are proven that work, but what is it about quizzes that just like makes you think, Okay, this is a great lead gen.
Linda Sidhu
Well, just in general speaking of 2022 Are we at right right now the year we just entered? I believe that personalized marketing and just personalization in general is really important. We’re turning the corner into more relationship based sales more so than ever. But even back then a couple years ago, when I created the quiz, I, I really leaned on the fact that I thought it was fun. And in disc I’m an I am an influencer a high. So I’m very creative. I like to have fun and very fast paced. And it just really aligned with my own strengths. And so I’m not surprised i That was the, the one lead magnet I wanted to create right out the gate. Honestly, I had no business creating a quiz, because there’s a lot that goes into it. And I just went into it, because I said, Oh, this would be fun, this would be fun for the people, they get to learn more about themselves, I can build the relationship, this is relationship based. It’s not about me, it’s about them. And so that was the main reason. And I feel even stronger about that today. Because you know, where relationship based sales are headed, I think it’s all about networking is all about collaborating. It’s all about building the relationship. And I think we’re gonna see a lot more of that. So I think quizzes are here to stay for a while.
Dolly DeLong
Love it, I love it so much. And I was just gonna share, I don’t know if I shared this with you in our quiz lab group. But I don’t know if somebody said this. But whenever I hear quizzes, I associate it with the 90s because I was a teenager in the 90s. And taking all those like cosmopolitan quizzes or 17 magazine quizzes. And so now being a business owner, I’m like, oh, like it’s so it’s so much more than a 17 magazine quiz, like, discover your ideal lip color. I don’t know like that, that those are the type of quizzes I grew up taking? Yeah, I
Linda Sidhu
think a lot of people think about that. And for a while I tried to stand against the fact that quizzes were just fun. Because for me, I was like, No, there’s a real strategy behind it, you can really uncover a lot of research on your audience, you can learn a lot about who you’re serving. And you know, you can do it with a quiz. And not only that, but when you can share some insights and strengths about other people. Mainly, it’s with personality quizzes. Now, there are other quizzes, like assessments and scored quizzes, and I don’t do those, and I will not, that is not something I’m interested in doing. I really, really focus on the personality quizzes. So when you get the result, the person feels really good about being welcomed into your community, you know, you’re really shining the light on their strengths, and making them feel like a million bucks and excited to be there. And maybe you shared something that they didn’t realize, you know, but most of the time they feel really good about reading the result. And then you have the opportunity to share more about yourself and kind of get into all that. But really, it’s the tip of the iceberg. And the result page should mainly be about your your, your new lead. And that’s what is beautiful about
Dolly DeLong
it. I love that so much. Can you share some stats about quizzes in relation to lead magnets?
Linda Sidhu
Yeah, so I do know that a good open rates or a good conversion rate is 25%. Okay, I think if you can get a 25% conversion, that’s good. I mean, if you look at email, marketing, 25% open emails is good, right? But when I interact, when they reached out to me, my conversion rate was over 50% For my very first quiz. Wow. And so they thought that was interesting, because they were wondering why people were converting at such a high rate. And my current quiz, which I showed you in the quiz lab, I showed you guys this is now converting at 70% 70%. And that’s really impressive. I’m gonna go ahead and just say that that like 75 70% conversion rate is absolutely amazing. Because that means that the people are looking at at the quiz, they’re taking the quiz and they’re becoming a new lead. You do not get that. Like, let me repeat you do not get that those kind of numbers with like PDF downloads, e books. I mean, there’s a ton of ways to grow your email list 10 of lead magnets out there, but quizzes. And the other thing I love about quizzes is not just the conversion rate. That’s impressive, but it’s also the warm leads. I feel that I have a specific way where you can create a title and a tagline that’s really going to call in your ideal audience and you want to be clear, you don’t want to be clever, but if you can do that, you’re actually getting qualified leads. Right off the bat right off the bat and that I think it’s absolutely imperative to grow your email list with quality leads. It’s always Quality over quantity. And, you know, if people are looking at your quiz and not taking it, that’s fine. Like, they’re probably not, in my opinion, if you work with me, or if you create a quiz the way I have done in the past, like they’re not your lead anyway, and it’s fine to let that go. But you are generating the leads the quality leads that you want to get.
Dolly DeLong
Yeah, I agree with that. Um, I don’t know what, where you lie on this spectrum, like I’m about to, like, share an opinion I have about business, but I think it’s wise for or I’m in the camp, that I think it’s wise for a business owner or creative business owner, well, any type of business owner to really know they’re, well, first of all know their business, well know what their offers are really well. And to hone in on like, what is working, what’s not working before they actually create a quiz? Because I like I even made the mistake in the beginning years of my business like thinking, Okay, I need to create a quiz. Like, before I even knew anything about my business.
Linda Sidhu
My opinion is, if you’re going to invest a lot of money where you have someone do it for you, for example, that’s my top tier service. I prefer to work with business owners that have a validated offer. Yeah, we know what’s working. And then I can literally create a quiz where we go to the apple tree and pick those leads those low hanging fruit off the tree. That is the best case scenario. However, I will tell you that even if you’re a new entrepreneur, don’t let that don’t let that deter you. Who is like I said, I had no business creating a quiz. But I did. And I learned a lot. And, you know, it was a strategy that I continued to implement, and I’ve created a few quizzes, and then I create them for business owners. Yeah. So I continue to refine the way I do things. And you know, so most importantly, I think just, you know, just do it, and see what happens. And if you have mistakes, you know, learn from it and see how you can do it better. And I did have a strategy call yesterday was someone who was pivoting their careers, she wants to get out of the nine to five job. And, you know, I told her, I said, Well, you have two options, you can create a quiz, and just go for it. Since you’re here today, and you’re paying for my services, or you can wait and we can work on something else and use this time today, we went ahead just thought of an idea to create a quiz for her. And she’s just gonna go for it. And we came up with a really fun idea. And it’s kind of like setting the tone, it’s a good way for her to get started. And then eventually, once she knows more about her ideal clients, she can do another quiz. That would lead to an actual course, even though she’s not there yet. Right now, she’s just doing one on one work. But we have like an entry level quiz that is going to work for her I think.
Dolly DeLong
So you’re ready to grow that email list. But you’re a little stuck on ideas for lead magnets. And my right, I think we’ve all been there. So that’s why I created the perfect idea list with over 20 pages of lead magnet ideas. This list is perfect for entrepreneurs in the creative field, all the way to direct sales. So grab the master lead magnet idea list for free at the link in today’s show notes. So I guess this leads me into my next question for you. What are the three most common quiz mistakes you see other business owners make when they’re creating a quiz as a lead magnet?
Linda Sidhu
Yeah, this is really interesting, because there are a lot of mistakes. I think the top three that I see, though, are number one, not creating, creating the quiz properly. So you were part of the quiz lab experience. And you know, I went straight out that first of all, we did ideal client research. That’s imperative. Then when we started to work on the actual quiz, we wrote our result pages first. But we re we reverse engineered it to the offer. So it’s really important you know where your quiz is going to lead to so you know, what the quiz is going to be about what the results are going to be. But you definitely want to write your results first. Oftentimes I’ve had people write the questions first. And you can’t really ask the questions until you know what the results are. Right? Yeah, so writing the result page first, then the questions. And then the second common mistake I see is where people don’t have a welcome series. So a lot of people will create a quiz, they get excited that the new lead comes in hot, and then that’s it, they don’t communicate anymore. And then the person goes straight to the weekly newsletter that they get or the monthly newsletter. And you’ve missed this entire opportunity to validate your new lead to introduce who you are, and give them ways to start working with you. And that’s what a welcome series does. Is it builds your know like and trust factor, it gives you an opportunity to really validate your new lead to let them know they’re in the exact place. And I always recommend that you write that email in one of the first ones before you start talking about yourself and your products and all that stuff. Maybe highlight a common pain point or something that they’re struggling with, and let them know how you’ve struggled with that before, so they feel validated. And then you can get into the rest of the welcome series. But there’s a lot of people, even amazing entrepreneurs that I’ve seen that’s done quizzes, that didn’t attach a welcome series. And it’s surprising to see, yeah, the last one is not promoting your quiz properly. So it’s almost like the if I build it, they will come mentality. And that’s how people feel about their website. Sometimes like, Oh, it’s here, or the offers here. But then there’s crickets, right? Same thing can happen with your quiz. Even if you build a quiz, and you put all that effort into it, that doesn’t mean people are going to take it unless you actually promote it. So I love to lean on personality strengths for this. And so the way I want people to promote their quiz is like, what would you what feels good to you. So for me, the best thing for me to do is I’m all about having fun, I’m fast paced. So there are certain things that I would do that maybe you wouldn’t do. For example, like having a Facebook party, I did an actual behind the scenes in my Facebook group about how I created my most recent quiz. So all these little things can gain interest and get people excited to take the quiz. Now most importantly, you want to share what’s in it for them. So even though I took people behind the scenes and show them how I created my quiz, I said okay, in the results section, you’re going to learn this, this and this, which is all geared to you, right. So always talk about what’s in it for them. And then another thing you can do for promotion is asking friends and other entrepreneurs to share it that have niches that are complementary to yours. But you really, really have to put forth an effort into your quiz promotion. My
Dolly DeLong
wife, what am I planning? You’re laughing because Linda’s dog is like jumping all over her. He’s like, What? Is it a boy or girl? It’s a
Linda Sidhu
girl. And you know what’s funny, she climbed up behind me. And so she was sitting on the chair for a while.
Dolly DeLong
She’s like, I want to be in this conversation. Yeah, oh, like Sorry, totally got derailed. And we were talking about not promoting your quiz properly.
Linda Sidhu
But most importantly, you want to create you want to when it comes to promoting your quiz, you want to do so like as your course or any other offer that you’re really excited about it, shout it from the rooftops, put it everywhere, spend about two weeks just promoting the darn thing. Get other people involved. Do some fun things think outside the box. But it really needs to have some extra energy behind it for it to take for it to take when when like like a sailboat. Right? Like, yeah, wind hits, and it just, it just goes
Dolly DeLong
like have a good runway, like a airport runway. Awesome. I’m actually reading all these points down Linda so that we can like repeat back at the very end so that somebody can just say say like take notes, a listener likes to take notes and is an action taker, they can make note of this. Awesome. So Linda, I have another question for you. What are some tangible steps some systems a person can put in place in order to start implementing a quiz into their own business?
Linda Sidhu
I think the most important thing that somebody needs to do is start researching their ideal clients. And I think this is imperative for not just quizzes, but for everything that you’re going to do sales pages, courses, emails, social media posts, and I’m very passionate about sending surveys getting people on one on one calls. Now you know, Dali, now that you’ve been working with me that I don’t just survey my audience and send out a survey in my email. I actually get people on calls. And I sent you an email the other day because we’re wrapping up the quiz lab. And I said, I want to get you on a one on one call. I want to understand what worked for you. What didn’t How do I make it better? All this insight is so important as a business owner that you’re going to be able to learn what does my client want? And it all goes to what What can I offer them. And so when you know what you can offer, your client was going to get people to come to buy your services. You’re more confident as a business owner and you can create something like a quiz. You can create a sales page with confidence you can create you know your website with their voice of customer you know you can use all this stuff in your advantage. That is a tangible step that everybody can take today and start surveying their, their audience or doing coffee chats. And again, this goes back to why 2022 is the year of relationship based sales is you want to connect with the people who are there serve the ones who, because you want to serve the people who are on your email list and in your community, for two reasons, because they’re there, they’re showing up, they’re excited, they want to work with you. And that is an audience available that you do not need to overlook and be so worried about getting more people right serve the ones you got. The other reason is because it costs more money for you to try to get new leads anyway. So if you could serve your current audience, that’s where I would start.
Dolly DeLong
That’s, I’m just writing this all down. With a you have so much wisdom. So I know that you have a freebie a lead magnet about quizzes, um, do you mind sharing a little bit more information about it with the audience? And then of course, I’m letting everybody know, it will be in the show notes so that you can just click on over and check it out?
Linda Sidhu
Yeah, so just piggybacking off of my last answer is one of the number one questions I would get from my ideal clients, or customers is, what kind of quiz idea would be good for me, I created a freebie, it’s a PDF download. And the reason why I did a PDF download on this one, is because I was really trying to help people with their most common pain point is what is a good idea for me. So the freebie I have available for your audience today is how to nail your quiz idea. And that way, if you’re really interested in creating a quiz, I will go over my, I think is a four step process. And what I do is when I’m done it, yeah, I was gonna say it’s a four step process that I initially was doing on strategy calls with people. So I took what I was doing in real life on strategy calls and implemented it on like, Okay, what could we put it on paper for the business owner to try to uncover in their own head. So at least I was trying to resolve a pain point that people had, and a way where I didn’t have to do strategy calls for every single person, right? So that is the freebie I’m offering, I do have a quiz on my website, if you’re interested in taking that. And it is a personality based quiz, where you’re going to learn your quiz cash strategy. So that’s available too. If you have a quiz, or you’re creating a quiz, or you want to really make a quiz, you can learn how to promote your quiz based on your own personality, which is super fun as well.
Dolly DeLong
I love it. And you all I will leave all the links in the show notes so that you can connect with Linda. And Linda, I know that you’ve shared so much information with us. And so I want to encourage somebody if you’re listening and you’re really interested in just taking your knowledge within your business and converting that into a quiz as a form of a lead magnet. Please reach out to Linda because she has been again so helpful for me in my business and helping me create a good quiz about like, you guys have seen it. I’ll be always promoting it from here on out but about Harry Potter like infuses my love of Harry Potter. It’s not a quiz about Harry Potter, but it’s about funnels, and automations. And I’m fuse, like my personality in it, which she helped me do that. So I will leave all of Linda’s information in the show notes. But, Linda, can you share with the audience how people can connect with you and follow you today?
Linda Sidhu
Yeah, the best place for me in regards to where I show up is my Facebook group quiz creators. So if you are listening to this, and you’re on Facebook, that’s where I spend most of my time and energy. So go to the quiz creators. That’s where I actually do my three day challenge for nail your quiz idea. And I’ve got some incredible things throughout this whole year for 2022 that I’ll be doing that will all take part in the quiz creators and there is something coming up in May, that I’ve been working on is a online masterclass series. That’s all about quizzes. So definitely join the quiz creators. On Facebook, you can also find me on Instagram at Linda underscore, the do underscore quizzes, but I don’t usually show up there very often anymore, unfortunately. We’ll see how I’m doing later this year, but I feel like you know, I’m not all about the hustle anymore and trying to show up and all the places. I really just want to be very intentional with my business. So I encourage you to go to the Facebook quiz creator page.
Dolly DeLong
Yeah, definitely. And I’ll have links to the Facebook group as well so that people can connect with you. But I just want to say thank you so much, Linda for taking your time to just share more wisdom and knowledge about quizzes and just thank you For being wonderful.
Linda Sidhu
Yeah, thank you so much for asking me to be here and support your audience and I adore you and I absolutely loved working with you. And I’m so proud and excited for you learning the new skill set and creating your own quiz. It’s absolutely incredible. And it’s so much fun. So if you haven’t taken it already, take Dolly’s quiz as well. I’ll link it
Dolly DeLong
in the show notes so that everybody can see it. But thank you so much, Linda. Yeah, I’ll talk to you later. Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at dolly DeLong photography.com forward slash podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it to your stories and tag me at dolly DeLong education over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic.
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