Many of you may already know this, but I love working with children for family photo sessions, and I have been tremendously blessed to have developed such rich and deep relationships with so many families since I started photography in 2007 when I first moved to Nashville. Obviously, I know that working with children can be quite challenging, and sometimes I have heard other photographers express their dread in working with kids. But for me, personally, I adore 99.9% of kids I interact with, and ever since becoming a mom myself I have enjoyed interacting with kids even more because it gives me a glimpse into what Blaise may be like in the future!
It has been on my heart for a while to start a series about how to work with children for family sessions, and I wanted this blog series to be a resource for other photographers who may be working with families in their businesses, and I also wanted these posts to be a resource for families to use so that they know how best to prepare for their sessions with me! For the next 10 weeks, I’m going to take you along with me and offer my secrets of how I work with children, and their families, to have a successful (and fun) photography session that is both memorable and joyful. I hope this helps you out in some way, but mostly I hope it encourages you not to be so intimated to work with children (because kids are actually quite fun)!
Tip #1 may be such an obvious secret, but ALOT of parents/photographers forget to account for nap schedules all for the sake of “ideal times”, so just be flexible and if you have hired a good photographer, they will know how to work with light! So while I have your attention on the topic of nap times….my son is napping right now so I need to wrap up this sentence before he wakes up-yikes! Tune in next week for tip #2 on how to work with children for a family photography session!
Was this tip helpful? Can you share if this has ever happened to you as a photographer OR as a parent working with a family photographer? If you have a funny story, PLEASE SHARE in the comments because I love a good story!
If you are an expectant mom-to-be and are wondering what a maternity family experiences looks like, click HERE for an example!
As always, thank you so much for keeping up with my family & photography adventures! I love serving you all through photography and I love sharing my stories with you! Have a wonderful week! Tune in next week for tip #2 on how to work with children for a family photography session!
free family portrait style guide —
a free style guide
Planning a family photo session can feel overwhelming, but I’ve got you! Grab my free guide to plan, prepare, and get excited for your next session with confidence.
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[…] out on Tips #1-#9? Read Tip #1 HERE, Tip #2 HERE, Tip #3 HERE, Tip #4 HERE, Tip #5 HERE, tip #6 HERE, tip #7 HERE, […]
[…] out on Tips #1-#8? Read Tip #1 HERE, Tip #2 HERE, Tip #3 HERE, Tip #4 HERE, Tip #5 HERE, tip #6 HERE, tip #7 HERE, and tip […]
[…] out on Tips #1-#7? Read Tip #1 HERE, Tip #2 HERE, Tip #3 HERE, Tip #4 HERE, Tip #5 HERE, tip #6 HERE, and finally tip #7 […]
[…] you missed tip number #1, click HERE to read and catch […]
[…] you missed tip number #1, click HERE to read and catch up! Read tip #2: […]