Today I am so excited to introduce you to my good friend Angela Tan of The Systems RX. She is the QUEEN of funnel tech and automated workflow strategy. We will be talking all about how to create a “hands-off hospitality” approach in your automations as well as the 5D Formula for each stage of the client journey. Angela is truly a superhero when it comes to helping business owners automate their client experience and get more of their time back.
The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This is a podcast for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools and strategy in order to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose. Because even muggles can become automated wizards.
As a mom, she understands that being a business owner is not the only title you own. With so many other things going on outside of your business, her mission is to help online entrepreneurs buy back their time with high-impact yet hospitable automated workflows.
When she’s not working on automations, you can find her watching her favorite TV shows on repeat, eating Häagen-Dazs ice cream, or singing along to Whitney Houston hits.
Get to know Angela and the origin of Systems Rx (1:27)
Why Angela developed hands-off hospitality (4:12)
What is hands-off hospitality? (7:16)
The 5D Formula: Discovery, Decision, Deal, During, Dismissal (7:52)
Building and testing out your workflows and automations (15:23)
Maintaining and adjusting your workflows and automations (23:21)
Examples of hands-off hospitality during each phase (25:14)
Angela’s hands-off hospitality workshop (34:30)
Dolly DeLong
Welcome to the systems and workflow magic podcast where I help entrepreneurs go from scattered to streamlined in their creative businesses. I’m your host, Dolly DeLong, a wife, a mom and a photographer turned systems educator. Join me every week as we have conversations centered around creating tactical workflows, and automations in your business. Now, let’s make some strategic workflow magic. Hey, everyone, welcome back to the systems of workflow magic podcast. I am your host, Dolly DeLong. And today I have my friend Angela of The Systems RX on the podcast. Personally, I have been a huge fan of Angela’s for well over a year now, if you recognize her name, she was a contributor to the systems and workflow magic bundle earlier in January of 2022. And just like after working alongside of her and after learning more from her, because she is a funnel queen, you all in the system’s queen. I knew I had to have her on the podcast. There is just so much she’s going to share with us today. But I just want to say welcome, Angela, thank you for coming.
Angela Tan
Thank you for having me. I’m super excited to be here.
Dolly DeLong
Of course, Angela, do you mind telling the audience a little bit about yourself?
Angela Tan
Yes, of course. So like Dolly said, my name is Angela Tan, I am a funnel tech and automation strategist and the founder of the systems RX and my superpower is helping coaches and course creators leverage tech and automation in their email funnels and client management system that not only supports their clients, but also helps take care of you as a business owner, because it’s Dolly knows business owner is not the only title that we own. We are moms, we are caregivers, dog owners, so many other things going on outside of our business. So I’m super passionate about helping online business owners buy back their time with automated workflows so that we can show up in all these other areas of our lives outside of being a business owners a little bit about my origin story. Yeah, I started out as a virtual assistant in January of 2019. After being laid off from my nine to five, and I was very new to the online space, I had no idea how big this is literally blown away by how like what how long I’ve lasted in this space and to just how like you just never know the connections that you’re going to make. But yeah, I started out as a general virtual assistant doing like all sorts of admin tasks for like marketing coaches, business coaches, and I eventually found that I really loved like the systems and automation side of things. So in March of 2020, I niched down and eventually develop this brand of the systems RX. And the reason why there’s RX in the name is because I was actually in pharmacy school when I was 19. I was in University of Florida College of Pharmacy. So I originally thought when I was a little younger that I was going to be a pharmacist. And I soon realized that that was not for me. But I still really wanted to tie in like my pharmacy background because I went to school for a lot of like science and like chemistry stuff, and I wanted to somehow tie that into my brand. And thankfully the systems RX was available. And so I was like, that’s gonna be it and I and that’s kind of how everything started. And recently in the past year or so, I’ve niched down even further to like funnel tech, and automations versus like system setup. But yeah, that’s kind of how I got started and how I’m how I’ve landed here.
Dolly DeLong
And I know today we’re going to be talking about just like, how to create a hands off hospitality. I know that phrase seems very strange. But what what Angela’s gonna be sharing with us today is how to just automate different phases of your client workflow. So before we dive into the heart of the topic, I wanted to ask you what influenced you to even want to research want to start sharing with others about the topic of hands off hospitality?
Angela Tan
Yeah, so like Dolly said, hands off hospitality sounds kind of weird. It’s like very like contradicting like one. Um, but it’s all about setting up automated workflows in your client management system that provides high touch but very hands off on your part care for your clients. And like I talked about earlier, your business isn’t the only thing that you are focused on, especially if we are moms and sometimes when we have all these other titles going on outside of our business, we don’t feel like we can fully own the title of a business owner because you’re constantly drowning and barely keeping up with all the things you need to do to keep your business running and make your clients feel like they are taken care of. But you don’t want your client manage client management system and the delivery of your service to reflect that. And oftentimes, I feel like as moms, we may feel less than like compared to other online business owners who don’t have kids. Because even though we all have the same 24 hours in a day, we do not have the same 24 as people who do not have kids. So how do we look at our tech stack, and leverage automation to buy us back time to help us not only take care of our clients, but also take care of ourselves as business owners, and have those automations kind of be like gatekeepers for our mental space and energy, a big part of how I kind of develop hands off hospitality because my son who’s turning four soon, he was born with a congenital heart defect. He had a big hole in his heart called a ventricular septal defect, and he needed open heart surgery at six months old. And so this, you know, his surgery was you well over three years ago, but we still have lots of doctor’s appointments that we go to. And because of his heart condition, there has been some like developmental delays. So he has like therapy and like neurologists, appointments, nobody doctor’s appointments, it takes away time from me being able to show up for my business and being like, really hands on on my computer and business to take care of my clients. So how can I set up automations for my own business, to take care of my people, but also still show up for Justin. So that’s kind of how that came about too.
Dolly DeLong
So it really one of the stems was like, your heart, was Justin like making a more time and being flexible as a mom?
Angela Tan
Yes, absolutely.
Dolly DeLong
I totally hear that I we were chatting about our sons, our sons are around the same age and just like how much we just love them. And at the same time, there’s this like dual mentality of we also love investing in our businesses, too. So it’s just like walking that line of investing in kids, but also investing in our businesses. Yeah. So hands off mentality. It’s kind of like, like you are working through your client experience your workflows of that client experience for a specific service, and seeing where you need to be more hands on. And then what parts can be automated? Yes. Is that the summary of it?
Angela Tan
Pretty much. Yeah. And we’ll get into a little bit more detail into how you can do that. But that’s pretty much the gist of is how can you provide high class high touch hospitality? So your clients without having to be so like tied to your computer and basically working overtime in your business.
Dolly DeLong
Okay, well, now that you’ve like, gotten everybody excited about this, I know there are. I know, I have listeners who take notes during the episode. So Angela, can you share this process with us? Like, what are some tangible tips that we can apply to our services today? Or even our products today? That could be a hands off hospitality mindset? Yeah,
Angela Tan
So the first thing you want to do when you’re implementing automated workflows in your client management system, I highly recommend breaking it down in phases, preferably in chronological order of the client journey, so that you don’t overwhelm yourself in the beginning, because oftentimes, you’re literally where do I start? What can I even automate, start with breaking down your client journey in chronological phases, and I like to start with what I call the discovery phase, which is when someone is thinking about working with you, because that’s where the first impression is made, right. And so in that discovery phase, let’s say they submit an application to work with you. And after that, they go into the decision phase of making a decision if they’re going to move forward and actually work with you, or if they’re going to go another route. And the next step after that is what I call the deal phase. And we hopefully close a deal in that phase and they make a payment. So then we onboard them as a client. And then after that, they entered the during phase, which is essentially when they are working with you when you are delivering your services. And once their time is up, we go into the dismissal phase where we off board them. So those are usually the five phases that I see in most client journeys. So like I said, identify the different phases of how people are working with you, how your clients are working with you. Once you do that, then you can go into each phase and determine Okay, what am I currently doing manually? What is taking up the most time? Like what’s the biggest time suck? And what are my current clients struggling with in each of those phases? So Maybe you’re noticing, in your during phase of when the clients are working with you, you’re constantly getting emails or DMS, like right before a coaching call where clients are like, where’s the Zoom link? What’s the Zoom link? Or like other things like logistics wise about your coaching program? So maybe they’re wondering like, when the recording for the coaching call will be posted? Or where can they find the Q&A form to submit their questions, things like that. So what are your clients constantly, like, not bugging you about but like, every time you get a deal about it, you’re Yeah, every time you get like a message about it, you’re like, oh, like, how can I prepare for this better, so that they’re not having to reach out to you for these things that we can easily like implement systems and automations for so that we give them the information that they need and set them up for success. And like I said, it’s kind of like a gatekeeper for your mental space and energy. Because when you’re trying to prepare yourself for a coaching call, and suddenly you’re bombarded with like these messages, it just like it takes away, like how you’re going to show up on a on a call. So setting these automated workflows up, you know, looking at the different phases of what your current clients are struggling with in each phase, and then determine, Okay, what can I automate in this phase? And how can I make the client experience better? In that particular phase? You want to ask yourself this question in every phase of your client journey and do an in depth audit of what’s currently working, and what’s not working. And like to do it like on a piece of paper, what’s it? What do they call it in school, like hot dog style you like, fold it down? Like break it down? Like, what’s working? It’s about lunchtime. We’re over here. Yeah, so we can do it on paper, if it’s easier for you to like, map it out on paper or do it on a Google Doc. And if you have a virtual assistant that like takes care of these tasks for you, maybe also audit what their tasks are on the daily, like, what are they doing manually, to see what you can automate to save both of you time possibly save, like your investment in having to pay them hourly to do these things that certain software’s can handle, which we’re gonna dive into that next is, you want to look also at your tech stack, to see what the current software’s you have, can do for you like what features those softwares have, that you’re already paying for? That you’re not realizing that you have access to so highly recommend taking some time to explore your tech stack, find out what features you’re not utilizing, that can be beneficial for your business to buy back your time. This is a bonus tip. I love joining Facebook groups are the software’s that I pay for because people ask questions within those groups about like how to do certain things. And it gives you ideas on what you can set up for yourself and your business and be like, Oh, I didn’t know I can do that. Or like, also they share like new features or like software updates in those groups. So you’re up to date on the functionality of the software, as well. Or even if there’s like random glitches, you know, because glitches happen with softwares. And you’re just like, oh, that’s why this stuff wasn’t working today, because there was a glitch on this. So like, I highly recommend joining Facebook groups for the softwares that you pay for. Just so you’re involved on like, what’s going on with the software. But sorry, I need to take a breath.
Dolly DeLong
It’s not quite but for those of you who don’t know, Angela is literally what do you share? 37 weeks? Yeah, 37 weeks? Yeah. So she has, she’s a trooper, you all like, I was like, when I asked her before, When is the baby coming? Because I’m like, maybe it will not come during this. Don’t come during the interview. But no, she she’s about to give birth to beautiful baby number two any any day now. So not today, but.
Angela Tan
But yeah, so you want to really take the time to be strategic about your tech stack, especially before you start building any automations. And also, a lot of the softwares give you free trial, take advantage of the free trial because you don’t want to like pay for software and like waste your money on software’s that you don’t need. And sometimes it’s not a matter of having to switch your softwares entirely or like having to like upgrade to the most like expensive and robust ones. It’s also figuring out what works best for you and your business and what you can manage and handle on a daily basis. So you might find out that one software doesn’t give you the features that you need to execute the workflows that you had in mind when we you know when we broke down the different phases and what you want to automate in those phases. So take the time to strategize, and it will save you a lot of time building and rebuilding and tearing things down. And that’s where the headache happens when you’re like, this is so intimidating. You just want to really take the time to strategize your tech stack.
Dolly DeLong
And I love that. Did you purposely do it as like different DS? Like five D? Yeah, I love it. Okay, I’m like, I don’t know if this was an accident or not. But this is a great.
Angela Tan
I tried to like keep like, like, even like hands off hospitality like the H and the H.
Dolly DeLong
Oh, yes. So okay, so that kind of brings me to my next question for you. So after a business owner goes through, let’s say one service of theirs from start to finish the client journey, and they pick it through with the five d formula. So the discovery phase decision, the deal phase, the during phase, and then dismissal phase, what, what is their next step, like after they’ve discovered, okay, this is where I can automate, this is where I need to be hands on. And this is what I can hand off to my VA, then what do you recommend?
Angela Tan
Then you dive into what I think is the most fun part and you start building all the automations. And testing it out so much fun. I can spend all day doing that, and probably like dive into the rabbit hole and like not eat and drink. For hours. This is so much fun. But yeah, I, you would want to after you’ve mapped everything out, then you start building the workflows and testing it out. And it might be a matter of trial and error. Like you might have to test it out over a couple of months to see, “Hey, is this still working?”. That’s something you should kind of always do after you know, like every quarter is just kind of do an audit, like, is this still working? How can I make it better and because then you never know maybe that software that you’re using will release a new feature that can take it to the next level. So build it out, and then test it out, see how things are working, maybe I highly recommend like doing a client feedback form, in that dismissal phase, to get feedback from your clients on like how they felt like they were taking care of during their time with you. And from there, you can see you know, a lot of things of what you can improve. So maybe it was, you know, I wish I would have known when the recordings were posted or like things like that, so that you can constantly improve your client experience with automated workflows. One thing I will say is with softwares and I know Dolly agrees with me, Zapier should be your first like VA slash hire slash investments. They don’t even have an affiliate program for me to like, share an affiliate link. But I will gladly talk about Zapier all day, because even like their free plan comes with like five free single step workflows, which is plenty already. But if you do their like most basic starter plan, if you do month to month is $25 a month for like 20 zaps, which is so much cheaper than hiring a virtual assistant who is 25 to $30 an hour. Yeah. So like you look at the money investment, and also the time investment, like those apps work instantly. So you’re not having to hire a VA, and then train them, first of all, and then have to wait on the VA to take on those tasks on their time where the zaps can take care of those instantly for you.
Dolly DeLong
Can you share an example of that of what you would mean by that was that has taken the place of a VA?
Angela Tan
Yeah, so one workflow that I love to automate in Zapier is creating a once a client pays, creating a client folder in Google Drive also automating because, you know, when you create and share a Google folder, you have to like update the sharing permissions. And sometimes if you don’t do that, the client has to like request access, and you have to like manually grant access. So yeah, you can automate updating that sharing permission so that when the client gets the link to their client folder, the sharing permissions are already updated, so they don’t have to request access. And then the step after that is including the link to their client folder in the onboarding email that gets automatically sent after the client pays. So that’s like three different things that your VA would do, but it’s taken care of instantly with a zap. And you can get even more like complicated with this. If your client folder like let’s say you have a client folder template that needs to be duplicated for each new client. And let’s say there are sub folders and like different like templates within the client folder that needs to be duplicated for each client. You can set all those up like to be automated within the zap. If you have like the paid Zapier plan, so setting up a zap like that, where all those things get taken care of instantly, and the client gets access to that client folder with all of those files in their onboarding email within minutes of like signing up to work with you. Like I think that’s for $25 a month if you sign up for Zapier, like that’s crazy.
Dolly DeLong
That’s really good. And you can correct me if I’m wrong because I know you use a lot of different programs to like, if you are a creative business owner who uses a CRM platform like Honeybook or Dubsado or 17 hats, I can speak with confidence. I know you that can happen within Dubsado. Like with whenever a client signs a contract pays an invoice, you can set it up to where they automatically receive their client portal, like within seconds of like, it’s just like reading the next like that workflow is set up to read what has happened before then you trigger the triggers are looking for the triggers. So yeah, so that is a great tip right there.
Angela Tan
Yeah, so And there’s so many things that you probably don’t know, you can automate in Zapier. You can honestly I can play around with Zapier for hours, because there’s there’s possibilities just feel endless. Yeah, and like I love like, what I tried to call it in my SEO days with as a business coach, call it I work for a business coach that call that like your 10% time or 20% time where like, you should spend time like every week, working on your own business and a part of how I spend that time is figuring out okay, what new automations can I learn or like implement? And, like, I’d like to take some of that time and play around like with the workflows and Zapier or like the automations in, click up or whatever, and see like, okay, what can I automate?
Dolly DeLong
And yeah, it’s so much fun. I just learned how to set up in Zapier. Every time I get paid, I get this seems so basic, but for me, this was like a game changer. Like just to remind me like, wow, like I’m making money, you know, the dream like passive income, like slowly. But every time we get paid, I get a notification on my cell phone because I sent
Angela Tan
a text message? Yeah, yes. I have that too.
Dolly DeLong
And it’s like, it could be at 10pm I like made a sale for $27. I’m like, wow, I didn’t have to do anything. Like it’s just fun.
Angela Tan
Yeah, I have that set up to I had the other night I was eating dinner. And I got my son was watching YouTube videos on my phone and I saw a notification like you made a sale. And I was like, little like, like surprised throughout the day.
Dolly DeLong
It’s like a little Christmas treat for you.
Angela Tan
Yeah, and you can set up like text notifications like that for like when a client signs a contract or when it’s time to onboard a client and you need like a reminder to like send them like a voice note or something like that. You can set up text notifications for so many different things. It goes straight to your phone.
Dolly DeLong
I just had a business idea for you. And I’m like, you probably already want to do this. But I think you should create like a go to Zapier document for like, yep, like, just like, these are the most popular zap for this industry. And then, like have like a tutorial. I don’t know. I’m just like literally thinking out loud for you. I’m like, I would totally buy that from Angela. You guys. I have bought things from Angela.
Angela Tan
She’s like my number one fan.
Dolly DeLong
I’m like, Okay, if Angela made it, I’m buying it and I’m learning from her. So I’m like, Okay, well, here’s a business idea for you right here.
Angela Tan
I might I might think about that during maternity leave and just yeah, what I can map out for different like industries.
Dolly DeLong
I love that. That would be awesome. So okay, I know I derailed this a little bit, but we were talking about your five d formula and going back to like after Zapier, what were you gonna say after you built all your zaps Zapier and did you test it out?
Angela Tan
Like I said, every quarter set up a task for yourself to audit what’s been working and what hasn’t been working. Also a bonus tip on Zapier is set up in the settings of your notifications for when zap fails. Because it happens, you never know what tech it will happen, but you want to be notified when it happens. So I would number one in your email inbox set up like a filter for any emails that come through from Zapier to like, be marked important or like flagged or something like that. So you don’t miss it. That way, when something goes wrong, you can go straight into Zapier and like fix the problem versus finding out a week or two later that 20 of your zaps have not been working or like you need to like rerun a bunch of things that were supposed to be automated. So yeah, that’s a bonus tip there. But after you’ve built your workflows, I mean, it’s pretty much just looking at how things are working and just kind of maintaining it and monitoring it. If you find out that, you know, one automation is too complex for you and you decide that you do want, you know more of a human element in there that needs more manual touch, like that’s okay. You don’t have to automate everything. It really is a game of like playing around to see what works for you. Or maybe even your client feels like it was too automated. So then you can also look at that and see okay, how can I still add a touch of me in this workflow without overworking myself, once you’ve built it out, and you’ve tested it out over time, you know, just looking at kind of, like I said earlier, breaking it down into different phases, again, as you do these audits quarterly, or whatever it is, and seeing what is working
Dolly DeLong
and what’s not working. So can we start at even the discovery phase? Like, what are some hands off hospitality or automated things you can do in the discovery phase? Yeah.
Angela Tan
Okay. So someone submits an application to work with you, the first thing that they should see after they have taken the time to submit an application is a thank you page, a thank you pages such a great place to make a good first impression. Because they, like I said, they’ve just taken all that time to submit an application to work with you. You want to welcome them to your community, if they’re new to your little space and the Internet, let them know what to expect next. So maybe you’re they’re going to get an email from you within 48 to 72 hours. So let them know to look, keep an eye out in their inbox from an email from you maybe even put the email address that you’re going to be sending emails from so that they can either whitelist it or just keep an eye out for it adds like a fun little gif on the thank you page or even a video from yourself just to like put a name or a face to the name. And they can like see you they can hear your voice. And like I said, invite them to your community if you have if you’re on Instagram, or if you have a free Facebook group that they can join. So that would be an example of making sure that when someone submits an application to work with you, it gets redirected to a thank you page, where you’re welcoming them into your community. So that’s like a great first place to start. And like I said, it can be automated because you’re redirecting it’s a very small automation that most people don’t think about is just redirecting them to a thank you page.
Dolly DeLong
And it also like you own that like little piece. That sounds weird little piece of the internet, like you own that web page, like yeah, that redirect page. So you the goal is, especially if you are really into, like getting ranked good SEO and traffic to your website, like a person who’s staying longer on your website, which is a really good thing to do.
Angela Tan
Mm hmm, exactly. So that’s one example. And like the discovery phase, and I can do one in the decision phase, okay, so when somebody is making a decision to work with you most of the time, so let’s say you’ve approved their application, and you’ve sent them a link to pay the invoice, sign a contract, most of the time, and I’m guilty of this, I don’t do it right away, I need reminders. Like even if even though I know I’m 100% for sure gonna work with that person, as a mom, I just have so many things going on that like I may not do it right then and there. And I’m probably going to forget about it. So you want to set up automated reminders following up with them until they make the payment. Obviously, you want to time those reminders ethically don’t like bombard them, like every hour. And I like to tailor it to what your audience is like. So for example, like with us being moms, we may kind of have to budget it out. Like you know, we got babysitters to pay daycare or not like all these things. So we may need more time to make a decision. So you may want to space it out like a day or two to follow up. If your audiences moms, if your audiences like bookkeepers, you know, they’re going to be crunching numbers before they make a decision. So they’re going to need time to set up automated reminders to follow up with them until they make a decision. And then also when they do make a decision. Let’s say your follow up. Your automated follow up reminders is like a set of like five emails, let’s say they pay on like email three, you want to make sure that they don’t get the remaining emails after they’ve already paid. Because then it might like throw them off. Like Wait a minute, I just made like a four figure investment and I’m still getting like emails to to make the payment. But I did and then it makes them wonder like did I do like, did she get my payment that I get scammed or whatever. So setting up an automation that when that client status is detected, to remove them from getting those automated reminders.
Dolly DeLong
That’s really good. And that’s something I know that you can easily set up in, like a client relationship management tool like CRM tool. So yeah, that’s awesome. Those are two really good examples.
Angela Tan
Yeah. So that when you close a deal, and they make the payment, actually, I kind of talked about this earlier. So now you’re onboarding them as a client. So then there’s that workflow that I talked about earlier, where you can set up a zap that automatically creates the client folder, and then automatically updates, the sharing permissions and then also adding the link to that client folder in the onboarding email that they get. And it also makes sure that your onboarding email is like a very thorough email that has all the logistics of your coaching program or your services, you know, what can they expect? Like I said, you want to set them up for success, so that when they are working with you, they’re not constantly wondering, Where can I find this, like what, like, where’s this resource, blah, blah, blah, you want to set them up for success right from the get go. If you have like weekly, or like bi weekly calls, I also recommend creating a shareable Google Calendar link, so that they can just add the call straight to their calendar. And they have those reminders already set up to like block out their time for the coaching calls for them. So that is an example of the deal phase. And then the during phase, coaching, call reminders, or even just call reminders. If you don’t do coaching, let’s say you meet with the person once a week, or like once every two weeks, whatever it is setting up reminders that go out either 24 hours before the call or an hour before the call, because people need reminders and reminders never hurt. So yeah, setting those up so that they are automated. And then also making sure that when their time is up with you, you remove them from those reminders because nobody wants to get those reminders after their time has ended with you it’s get gets a little bit confusing. So I guess that takes us into the dismissal phase where you’re onboarding them. And a workflow that you should have there is number one, adding like an alumni status to their profile in your client management system or your email marketing platform. And also making sure that they get an onboarding email, letting them know like, here are the next steps if there’s another way that they can work with you after their time with you has ended if there’s a testimonial form you want them to fill out? Yeah, including that in the onboarding email.
Dolly DeLong
You are really good about sending notifications to your Starbucks account. Yeah. gifts to your clients. And I’m like, wow, like that is such a good idea.
Angela Tan
So you can set up like I love getting gifts at the end of like working with a coach. Yes, I think it’s more like a reward. Versus like in the beginning. So in the onboarding, you can set up notifications so that you get a reminder to send them a gift. And whether it’s a Starbucks gift card or like a gift box or whatever, making sure that you have a system set up to remind you to send them a gift and something I like to do. So let’s say on the onboarding, and the onboarding phase, you make them feel like onboarding form that has their mailing address. In the onboarding phase, you want to make sure that you double check that mailing address is still valid, because what if they’ve moved in between, you’ll want to send like, if you’re sending something physical, you don’t want to send it to the wrong address. So in that onboarding, email, also just double checking. This is the mailing address that we currently have on file. Just wanted to make sure that it’s the same mailing address. So yeah, so many different things. You can automate and all those different phases. But those are just little examples in each phase that you can implement right away.
Dolly DeLong
Yeah, I love it is and salsas like surprising and delighting your clients along the way, like sprinkling by sprinkling automation. And we’re both fans of automation. But I firmly believe like that automation can truly be like a good client. Like you can set it up to be a good client experience where they feel like it’s personalized, because I have done the the discovery fit. Like I have that phase. In my mind. I’m like, I have this nailed down. Like maybe I need a tweak, I don’t know. But I have started incorporating incorporating video more in the last two years in this first phase. And because of that, I get messages from my clients who then booked me that said that that video was like, so personal, like they loved connecting with me. And it’s just like a generic video I made to put on the thank you page.
Angela Tan
Yeah. And there’s some like, you can do videos like you can do there’s a platform called like video ads, which is essentially like a chatbot but like with videos, yeah. And like the person responding on the other end can even record videos back to you. So there’s like so many different depending on what your budget is for software’s there’s so many different things you can try out, but even just recording like a simple video like dolly said it can really take it to the next level in your workflows.
Dolly DeLong
Exactly. Oh man, Angela, this is all so good. I’m so excited for somebody to take notes and and to learn from you. And I am going to unashamedly like promote, like ask you to like talk more about your hands off hospitality workshop, which I will link in the show notes.
Angela Tan
So hands off hospitality is a three part workshop series again, where we talk about how we can leverage second automation to be a 20 For seven client concierge for your coaching program and so I’m gonna give you guys the first part of the workshop series for free in the link in the show notes. So go in there and in that first part I go over the two approaches to a solid and sustainable automated enrollment funnel and then also how to infuse automation with client experience when in that discovery phase. So that will be my special gift for you guys go and download it. Dolly like she mentioned earlier, she purchased the bundle and yes, thank you so much for supporting me.
Dolly DeLong
Oh, of course. Of course you are the real deal when it comes to tech and automations for funnels so I will always point people to you. Okay. Angela how can people find you work with you talk to you get to know you. Where do you want to point people to?
Angela Tan
Yeah, so you can find me on Instagram. My handle is the systems RX. That’s mainly where I hang out. I might take a little break in the next coming months for maternity leave. So we’ll see. But yeah, that’s mainly where you can find me feel free to DM me if you listen to this episode, let me know what you what your biggest takeaway was. And if you’d like to work with me, I do offer VIP days where I can either integrate your evergreen funnel with automations basically set up all the integrations and test it out for you. Or I can also set up automated workflows for your coaching or one on one program. So I have VIP days for both of those different paths.
Dolly DeLong
So well thank you so much, Angela. It was so great having you and I cannot wait for people to listen to this and hopefully work with you. So I will talk to you later.
Angela Tan
Bye. Thank you, Dolly.
Dolly DeLong
Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at dolly DeLong forward slash podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it to your stories and tag me at Dolly DeLong education over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic
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