5: Creating Systems & Workflows for Podcast Production – Haylee Gaffin


Have you considered launching your own podcast, but truly don’t know if you’ll have the time or how you’ll manage the content creation? In this episode, I’m joined by my podcast producer, Haylee Gaffin of Gaffin Creative, as she shares five considerations when creating systems and workflows for podcast production!

The Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast is brought to you by Dolly DeLong Education. This is a podcast for creative business owners who want to learn tangible steps to automate their business through workflows, systems, tools, and strategy in order to go from scattered to streamlined with purpose. Because even muggles can become automated wizards.

The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle

If you’re ready to streamline your business, make sure you’re on the waitlist for the Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle, where over 20 creatives and business owners have collaborated to create an exclusive collection of resources to help you start and implement workflows and systems in your business to go from scattered to streamlined! The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle will be available January 24th-28th, so make sure you’re on the waitlist today!

the systems and workflow magic resource waitlist

Listen to The Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast below

Meet Haylee

Haylee Gaffin is a podcast producer and strategist at Gaffin Creative, a podcast production company for creative entrepreneurs. When she’s not helping business owners launch and build the podcast of their dreams, you can find her playing with her pups and hanging out with her husband.

Review the Show Notes:

Get to Know Haylee (1:49)

Marketing Gurus Aren’t Always Right (3:36)

Getting Started in Podcast Production (7:36)

5 Steps to Creating A System for Podcast Production (14:47)

  1. Find Project Management Tool that Works for You (14:47)
  2. Create Templates & Task Lists (18:31)
  3. Batch Your Podcast Production (24:38)
  4. Monetization for Your Podcast (26:45)
  5. Outsource What You Don’t Enjoy (29:34)

Grab the Freebie:

The Podcast Budget Worksheet

Mentioned in this Episode:

Episode 36 of Clocking In with Haylee Gaffin

Podcast Launch Kit

Connect with Haylee:




Connect with Dolly:





Review the Transcript:

Dolly DeLong
Welcome to the systems and workflow magic podcast where I help entrepreneurs go from scattered to streamlined in their creative businesses. I’m your host, Dolly DeLong, a wife, a mom, and a photographer turned systems educator. Join me every week as we have conversations centered around creating tactical workflows, and automations in your business. Now, let’s make some strategic workflow magic. Hey, welcome, Haylee, I am so pumped to have you on the systems and workflow magic podcast. So my audience I know is in for a treat today because you are going to be teaching us how to create a system and a workflow for podcast production. And because if you are a new listener to the show, and if you don’t know this yet, Haylee is I don’t know what to call her. My podcast manager, producer, wizard. This magic. The magic behind this podcast is because of Haylee. So I was really excited to have her on today just to chat about the systems and workflows for podcasts. So welcome. Yeah,

Haylee Gaffin
thank you so much for having me. And I mean, I will accept any of those titles.

Dolly DeLong
Well, thank you so much for agreeing to come before we like really dive in to the topic. Do you mind introducing yourself to everyone? And also sight? No, I listened to your podcast this morning on my drive to I was running a bunch of errands with my son Blaise. And I loved it. By the way. Just FYI. Just wanted to insert that. It was great. Thank

Haylee Gaffin
you. Well, I am Haylee Gaffin. I own Gaffin creative, which is a podcast production company and photography studio, based out of Chattanooga, Tennessee. And essentially, I just edit and produce and manage podcasts for creative entrepreneurs who want to use it to grow their business provide resources and value to their potential clients and, you know, just create a really powerful opportunity for their potential listeners to learn. And then outside of the podcast production side of it. I have a photography studio, where I primarily shoot headshots and branding photos and rent it out to other photographers.

Dolly DeLong
Oh, you all Haylee is talented. Of woman of many hats. What is it? I don’t even know woman of any hats. That sounds weird. But you’re very talented. Like, kinda like going back. I know, I keep on like bringing up your podcast. But going back to your podcast this morning. Something that I especially loved about and I promise it ties into today’s conversation is that you were reminding the listeners about all marketing strategies. Like it’s not a one size fits all situation. So like, as you’re listening to this podcast, like, keep in mind, this is a strategy. Yes, Haylee is like, amazing. She is an expert in her field. But this is just a strategy. And she knows this is not the end all be all. But like, she has some really great points she’s going to share with us. But I always want to make sure people know like, and I have to remind myself too late, because I can be pretty like this is the end all be all this is the way but this is the strategy. And this is a great workflow she’s about to share with us.

Haylee Gaffin
Absolutely. And for those that are listening, that’s episode 36 of clocking in with Haylee Gaffin. And in the past few months, I’ve run into a lot of situations where people are telling me that something they’re doing in their business was wrong. But they can’t explain why it’s just because someone told them that was wrong. without doing any kind of thoughtful overview and looking into the details of why it was wrong, whether it’s marketing or workflow related, or podcasts, talking production interviews, whatever it is, someone has told them that they’re doing it wrong. And they don’t know why. And it’s because that person has one opinion. And there’s so many opinions out there. And I just, I think I kind of get a little irked by it. A few too many conversations. And so I just got really passionate about it. And also with the launch of my podcast course I wanted people to know that yes, I am very aware that the way I’m teaching you how to launch a podcast is not the only way. It is just a simple streamlined way and it’s the way I do it. So yeah, that’s I’m really glad you enjoyed it. And I’m super passionate about there being more than one way to do everything.

Dolly DeLong
Yeah, I enjoyed it. It was a great it was a great lesson for sure. So everyone after this episode gon check it out and we’ll We’ll link to it in the show notes for sure. And again, like I wanted to remind everyone that Haylee is going to be one of the amazing contributors for the systems and workflow magic bundle. And again, that is happening January 24, through 28th, of 2022. And it is a free resource bundle of systems and workflow related items that are meant for creative business owners to dip their toes into the systems and workflows of their business. So taking one baby step at a time, and this is my very first year of putting it together. So I say I’ve been literally working my little systems loving butt off to make sure you have a great resource library to choose from. But again, it’s only live one week, and these downloads that the contributors are giving us for free are actually shop items. So if you were to miss the live version, they would only be available in their shop. So take advantage of this great opportunity. And you can go and get on the waitlist if you’re listening to this before, go to systems and workflow, magic, calm all one word, and you can join the waitlist to be notified of when this opens up. And I want to remind you all it’s this is no catch. It’s literally free. I just want everyone to know how easy it is to incorporate workflows and systems in your own creative business. So Haylee, do you mind giving a hint as to what you’re going to be giving away in this bundle?

Haylee Gaffin
Yes. So it will be very focused on obviously systems and workflows. But for your podcast production, it is something that is still in the process of being created. So it is not available currently. And it will release with this bundle. So you’ll be you know, those that sign up, we’ll be the first to get it and then it will go live in my shop afterwards. So I’m really excited to be a part of it and to provide this resource to your listeners.

Dolly DeLong
I’m so excited. Haylee, you all Haylee is like a wealth of knowledge I’ve been. I just I just love. Hey, Lisa, you’ve all are in for a treat. Okay, so before okay, I feel like I have so many questions before we actually get to the heart of the the topic. But I want to ask you, do you mind sharing what got you into podcasting and podcast productions for other small creative business owners like myself, because I always love hearing the origin story.

Haylee Gaffin
Yeah, I actually was in a marketing role, where there was a podcast for the company. And I will be completely honest, I hated every second of it, because I didn’t know what I was doing. Like, I remember looking at the like, every time I would go to open the podcast to work on it. It was like, you know, when you have to do dishes or something you just really don’t want to do. That’s how I felt because I didn’t know what I was doing. It was so awful. And then I don’t know what happened. But one day, it just clicked where I was like, if I look at this, as I am learning something new with every single episode I edit, I can I can do this. And then like from there, it did switch. And I started learning from every podcast episode that I edited. And I if you enjoy listening to podcasts, being an editor is so easy, because you’re able to learn, you can eventually you’ll learn how to develop a strategy and create content around it and you know, know what to talk about next, or like recommend to your client. But that’s essentially how I got started. And then COVID happened and you know, that awful thing. And once COVID hit, my position was my hours were cut. So I had to find a way to make up some of that money. And what I did was I had already worked with a few other podcasters and helping them launch their podcast. And I decided, well, if I can do this for these few people on the side, could I make this a full time thing? And I mean, I was already producing weekly episodes for multiple clients. And eventually I just send out a message to all of my clients and I said, Hey, if you know anyone who’s interested, I need a few more clients. Here’s why. And they spread the word. And then I realized like, I could actually build a business off of being a podcast editor. And then it turned into a producer, where I help with strategy and that’s how we’ve got to where we are today.

Dolly DeLong
Wow. I’m so glad you started. Seriously. Okay, so just to give a little bit of context to that comment that I just made. It took me I shared this with Haylee, since she helps me out my podcast. It took me over two years to actually, like, jump into my my dream of my vision of creating a podcast. This has been something in my head for the past two years. But for some reason, something I felt stuck. I felt so stuck. I didn’t know where to begin. I was so afraid of editing, I was so afraid of just pretty much all the aspects of podcasting, but I really wanted to do a podcast, which is so weird. Like, I really wanted to do it, but I was so afraid of it. And so, but for my personality, it makes no sense. Because I’m such a, I can be such a go getter. I can just charge forward. But for some reason, it was not charging forward. And so when Haylee came into my, I don’t know, even know how we met, it was probably on Instagram, because that’s where all my friends now come because, like, this is the age we live in. But Haylee was one of the few people that have like really stuck out to me, you’ve really stuck out to me in the past year, and I followed you and your journey. And I was like, You know what, I’m just, I trust her. I what, I don’t know her, but I trust her. And I wanted you to help me, like overcome my fear with podcasting. And I mean, spoiler alert, everyone she did so. So I’m so I’m so happy that you begin that journey. Like you’ve really helped out so many creative business centers. So

Haylee Gaffin
thank you. Well, thank you. I, I definitely am glad I took the leap. It’s it’s weird stepping into new space. Like, I mean, I’ve been, I’ve been working on podcasts since 2017. But like, in the last year, it’s become a real, like, full time gig. Well, I guess, year and a half. Now, cuz that was, you know, in 2020 sometime in June, July, I don’t know the exact dates, but

Dolly DeLong
that doesn’t count. Like, we’re gonna count that year. And

Haylee Gaffin
I was I was working on some content the other day, and it was for like, something you should consider in 2022. And on all of the graphics I made, I wrote 2020 That’s not even that’s next or two years. I don’t even know. You know, so. But yeah, I’m really glad that I, you know, made the transition because I was a photographer for and I guess I’m still technically am, you are. But I was for almost 10 years, maybe a little more than that now, and just kind of did it on the side for fun and, you know, have made the transition.

Dolly DeLong
Yeah, you and I kind of have similar backgrounds in photography, like mine, I to start off in photography around 2006 2007. But it was purely just a fun hobby and, like, transitions into so yeah, I totally can relate to that.

Haylee Gaffin
Yes, I was just before we jumped on this call was looking at some memories in my time pop or whatever. It’s called on Facebook. And it was from 2011. And I was charging, I was not charging a lot to shoot. I was in college and just trying to like, you know, make some extra money on the side. And I looked through the images, and I was so embarrassed. And I was like, it’s a reminder of like, you come from somewhere and you have to grow.

Dolly DeLong
Yes, exactly. It’s so funny. You said that one of my older cuz I used to do weddings and engagements. But now I just do families and branding myself for photography. And one of my couples from 13 years ago posted their engagement photos, and they tagged me and I was cringing. I was looking at it and cringing. But the fact is like they’re cringing, because they’re like, Oh, you helped us create these memories. We appreciate it. They wrote like the sweet post about like, their anniversary, how much they love each other. But I was like telling them, hey, please come to Nashville again so that I could redo your photos. Like, I’m sure they’re like, Okay, Dolly, like calm down. But I’m like, Please don’t think this is a representative like on my work right now. But I realized they don’t care about that they care about Yeah, their story. So absolutely. But I would I’m with you. I was cringing today. I was like, Oh my gosh, why did you post that? Yes. Oh, man. Okay, I guess we should get to the point of this. Sorry. I’m all over the place talking with you. So let’s dive into the heart of creating systems and strategies for podcast production. And I don’t know how many like bullet points you have or points you have, but let’s dive in.

Haylee Gaffin
Absolutely. So I think the first thing is to find a project management tool that works for you. And I say this, because going back to what we talked about in the very beginning of The episode where not like, not every way is the right way. So for example, I, in all of my new clients set up an Asana board, when we got together to work on yours, you work in Trello. So it was like, I don’t need to just set this up. For my own understanding, I need to do something that works for you. So I took what I had in a sauna and worked it into Trello. And I think that’s really important, because with so many different platforms out there, you need to find the one that works best for you. And if that means testing them all, test them all. But don’t spend way too much time testing. Like if you find one that works, stick to it, because I used to work in Trello. And then someone else was working in the sauna and I got used to how it worked. And that’s essentially how I got into Asana as I was working in it all the time for one person, and now I do it for all my clients if they’re not already in a project management tool.

Dolly DeLong
Well, thank you for coming back to Trello. Just for me, I appreciate it. Well, that’s a really good point. Um, have you found like, this might seem like a weird question. But have you found any project management tools that are not that like, I know that there’s so many to choose from, but have you found any that are not so helpful with, especially with podcasting, if you say, Trello, that makes me really sad.

Haylee Gaffin
I’m just kidding. I don’t think that there’s any out there that don’t do the job you want them to do, then the reason I say that is you have to know how to use it in order to make it work. So an example of that is I did not know how to use click up and click up is huge in our industry, like, everyone talks about it. And to get a solid workflow, you have to know how it works. And so I avoided it at all costs. And then I got a client who had a, I guess I could call her a clickup specialist come in and set up a workflow. And it is the most solid workflow I have ever worked, like come into for a client. Wow. So I think it’s all in what you know. And if you’re willing to put in the work to figure it out, I think a simple one is going to be the best one. Because there are tons out there that are made for big agencies, like I worked in project management for a few years in the ad agency space. And we’ve worked in some that like, you could do this until this was checked off, and this person had to be assigned 15 days before this person could start on anything. And like those are over the top, and they’re also paid. So there are so many free tools out there. I just I think finding the right one, I would start with Trello see if you like it, go into Asana if you want something a little more robust, but essentially, they all do the same thing.

Dolly DeLong
Um, I don’t know the answer to this question. That’s why I’m asking you. But is Asana is there a free version?

Haylee Gaffin
Yes, I use the free version for all of my clients. The paid version has a few extra fun tool like features where if I wanted to, I could put all of my clients into my own board and only give them access to their projects. Okay. But I just give them a new board, or a new project, or workspace is what it’s called. Gotcha.

Dolly DeLong
I love that. That’s so good to know. Yeah. What about another point? Like, what else should a person be doing? Like now finding they found their project management tool or software? So what else should they be working on for podcast production workflow?

Haylee Gaffin
Yeah, in addition to point number one, like I would probably add this to the, the idea of finding a great project management tool is creating a task list within it that works for you and your podcast, that outside of that, I would recommend that you have easy to use templates. And those templates could be a variety of things. It could be graphics for your show, it could be email communication with guests, it could be the show notes that you’re creating, or the blurb that you put after your description that says, Who the show is brought to you by all of these templates are going to make your podcast production workflows so much easier. So when we talk about starting a podcast, a lot of people are excited for the conversations and they’re excited for talking and sharing their knowledge, but they’re not thinking about. Okay, now that I’ve hit record, what do I do? Yeah, and all of that happens in post production or like the management side of it, which can be managed in that project management software once you figured out all the things that you need to do. But then making it easier with those templates is, is another really important aspect to it. So one, find a great project management software, make it work for you and then to create news templates for everything.

Dolly DeLong
I will 110% agree with that and after you You and I sat down for our podcast VIP day together hate like Haylee you, I totally appreciated this so much. And it made me so excited for the show, but you put in step by step for me for every single show what I needed to do. And these are things I like, I, I love podcasts, like I listened to them, I have been listening to them for years now. And I had no idea like half of the things you listed, I had no idea that is what I needed to do for each episode. And so just you listing it out and putting it in bullet points or in Trello, like little check boxes for me to mark off, which makes me feel so special. Whatever I’ve marked it off. It was so helpful, just like creating a system for me to go by open up a card, see what I need to work on for each specific episode. And it leaves no route. Like I’m not like questioning like second guessing myself. I’m like, okay, Haylee’s an expert. She’s been doing this for so many different creative business owners. Okay, I feel so confident in this checklist. So, yes, I will agree with that statement.

Haylee Gaffin
Awesome. Yeah. And in addition to that, like, if you are using those templates, and like the cards in Trello, could also be a template you need because now when you’re planning your content, all you have to do is duplicate that Trello tip for the Trello card, because there’s a solo one, and there’s an interview one, and then you can plan it without me or bring me in and help. And I’ll help you plan it. So that’s what I think is really important too, is you don’t have to recreate the system over and over and over. It’s there once you have it. And all you have to do is duplicate it. I love it.

Dolly DeLong
I love it. My systems heart loves this so much. Okay, so so far we’ve discussed I’m really big on repetition, if everyone knows that. So finally project we talked about finding a project management tool that works for you and your business, and creating a task list within say that really fast task list within that project management tool for every episode, because it that having a checklist would be so helpful. And then finally having templates that for everything from your graphics to all the way to the emails that you’re sending out to maybe even Oh, you had mentioned the show notes. Now I have a question for you kind of like promoting your shop a little. But do you offer these templates in your shop?

Haylee Gaffin
So right now, I do offer email communication templates for guests. So it starts with the pitching process. It’s a very simple pitch email, it’s not an over the top research email of any kind. I do recommend that you go through the research process when you’re pitching new guests. But it includes the the pitch, email, a follow up email, and then it also includes like the scheduling email for when they say yes, okay, here, it’s time to schedule, give me your assets, like your headshot and your bio. And then in addition to that, there’s also an email for prepping for the interview. So what the outline should be what they need to know as far as like wearing headphones, or using a microphone or what system you’re going to be recording on all the things that you can think of that they need to know and it goes all the way through to when the podcast goes live and you send them a reminder that it’s live.

Dolly DeLong
I love that. I love that so much is the time to sprinkle a little magic through the systems and workflows in your business. Along with over 20 different creative business owners and experts. I’ve created the systems and workflow magic mental, a collection of exclusive and free resources designed to help creative business owners actually start and implement workflows and systems in their business so that they can go from scattered to streamline this year and beyond the systems and workflow magic bundle is coming January 24 through 28th of 2022. So make sure you join the waitlist today to be the first to get access to this free bundle. Head on over now to www dot systems and workflow magic.com to join the waitlist so that you can create some workflow magic in your business. Okay, so what is another workflow or strategy step you would like to share with us?

Haylee Gaffin
Okay, I know you’re a big fan of this. So I had to throw it in there is batching your work for production. And I say this because I was not a bad actor. I never did it. I never cared like didn’t even know what it was. And then I was introduced to it by my friend Amanda Warfield, and I learned how to to like the importance of batching your content doing similar tasks. And it’s so much easier to manage a podcast, when you plan it out, you have it all. But then not only that, your podcast is a big piece of your marketing strategy. And when that content is already done, you can market it across every other platform and not have to think about it. So I love, especially with clients that are working with me on podcast production, I love when they batch it, I love being a month ahead, I know what’s done. Essentially, half of my clients are scheduled through the end of the year. So batching, your content will just allow for you to get more work done faster. But then also, it allows for you to plan ahead on all the other pieces of your business, because your podcast is not the only thing in your business. It’s not the thing that’s giving you income, it may be driving those inquiries, and it may be driving leads. But it’s not the thing that’s paying you to pay your bills, you know, yeah. Yeah. Unless you’re unless you’re monetizing it, and then go for it.

Dolly DeLong
Yes, but even then it’s very, like it’s very slip start. And I love how in, like even in our VIP day that we did together, you explain the importance of batching. And then you also set some really realistic expectations with podcasts. And like going back to that point of like, there’s some people that think, Oh, if I start a podcast, like I’ll, I’ll be making all this money like and it’s like very, very rare to you. To hit that I I’ve heard and also experience, obviously, but like it’s more of a long, long game for your marketing strategy,

Haylee Gaffin
especially for business owners, like where, if we’re looking at us, you know, I will I’ll use me for an example, I have 1500 followers on Instagram, I am not a big account. I’m not a big person in the industry. But I have a podcast. My podcast is not meant to bring money in, at least not directly from the podcast. But my podcast is meant to market my business and market my shop and market my courses. And I’m doing that in every single episode at least trying to without overselling my products. I think that we have to look at it as we are not the, you know, celebrities of the world out there that can start a podcast and launch with sponsors unless you already have those partnerships created. And if you do take advantage of those pitch them first, say I’m starting a podcast. This is the expected listenership I think I can get. Here’s how much I want to charge an episode, would you be interested in being the sponsor? And if you can do that awesome. But it will take time if you’re not those bigger brands, or you don’t already have those existing relationships, because you don’t have the numbers to show. There’s no way to say like, you know, my podcast is going to get this many listeners, because no one knows you don’t know who’s interested, you can have people answer a poll. But there’s a huge difference in clicking a button and going and spending 30 minutes listening to an interview.

Dolly DeLong
Yeah, well, for sure. I know that my mother in law and my husband are listening. So hi, guys. Hi, Holly. Hi, Ty. Thanks.

Haylee Gaffin
Thanks for listening to listening, guys.

Dolly DeLong
But that No, I love that like inserting kind of like, the reason why I wanted to bring that point up again, is just like inserting that realistic expectation in your strategy and your workflow for for podcast production.

Haylee Gaffin
Yes. And I’ll say to just to throw it in there. Like, if you don’t know what your goal is of launching a podcast, I think you should stop right now. Like, rethink that. Because if you are saying I’m going to launch a podcast next year, but you don’t know what the goal is, there’s going to be a huge disconnect in your planning process and your launch process and the content you’re creating, you’re going to be moving forward with no direction. So I think really knowing what it is that you’re creating this podcast for. And if that means you just want to serve your listeners, that’s what that is. But you have to also know you’re going to invest time and or money into this podcast without a return if it’s just to give back to your listeners.

Dolly DeLong
Yes, preach it, Haylee. Awesome. Okay. Well, let’s wrap it up with a fifth point because I feel really good about five points.

Haylee Gaffin
Yes, I do have a fifth point. So my fifth and final point, and I’m not saying this because I’m a Podcast Producer. I’m saying this as someone who is a business owner, outsource what you don’t enjoy doing as part of your workflow. Yeah, I do this myself. I don’t enjoy my accounting. I don’t enjoy blogging. I don’t. There’s so many things in my business. I don’t enjoy doing that I hand off to someone else. If editing is not your strong suit, which I as a Podcast Producer, I’m going to tell you editing is not that hard once you get the hang of it. So I’m not gonna sit here and be like, Oh, it’s, you know, don’t do it. Because you don’t know how this, anyone can learn how to do anything in this world. But if you are not, if whatever you’re doing is not serving your business in your workflow, and you can afford to outsource it, outsource it. And that’s the same like photographers, if you want, outsource your editing, outsource it, if you want to outsource your social media, outsource that. Whatever it is, if it’s graphics, anything, even in the podcast workflow, there are newsletters and podcast workflows, there is social media posting in podcast workflows, so many things as part of your workflow process. If you don’t enjoy doing it, get your VA to do it, get someone else to do it, because it will get done so much faster. And you won’t be pushing yourself the night before the podcast goes live or the morning of because I’ve been there I have pushed my own episodes out, you know, recorded, edited, done all the show notes the morning of the podcast going live, because I put it off for so long, because I didn’t want to touch my own work

Dolly DeLong
that is such Oh, that is so good. That’s really good advice. I am sad to admit that it took me years to outsource certain things of my business because I am a control freak. I assume like if nobody else is gonna do it as perfectly as me not to say I’m perfect and do everything great. But I just assume, well, I’ve assumed in the past, well, it’s not their business. So they’re not going to whoever is not going to take care of it like it’s my baby. Nobody’s gonna take care of my baby like me. And it took me a long, long time to get over or get through. I break through that mindset. Nice. Yeah, Phil, I like Haylee can tell you guys, like I still struggle with like giving up control over certain things. And so it’s been really good having you on my team Haylee. And then I also outsource my editing for my photography business. Oh my gosh, that’s been such a game changer. I’m kicking my past cell for not doing that earlier. And then I outsource blogging to and so I just, I don’t know where I would be without you guys.

Haylee Gaffin
Well, I mean, I’m right there with you. There are times like my own podcast, I don’t edit anymore. I have a team member that does it for me. And that’s to get one more thing off my list of things to do, because I have client work that I should be focusing on instead. And it took time, like she was not a podcast editor, she did it as a test to see if she liked it. And if it was something she could do, and I went back through her first one gave her feedback. And every so often, I’ll go back through and listen, like today’s episode, I went back after you had mentioned it in an email earlier today that you listened to it. And I was like, I should go listen to today’s episode in case we talk about it. And I saw a few things that I would have done differently. And all I did was shoot her a quick message. It’s not a make or break. Like, you probably didn’t even notice the things I noticed, oh no, I find this great this work Hayley. But and same with blogging or image editing, because if you are giving the feedback, it’s going it’s going to take time, there’s no doubt about it of there’s a learning curve for someone to get it the way you would do it. The way I would write a blog post is different than how, like my intern, for example, would and all I have to do is have her write it go back through, correct the things that I would do differently and tell her why. Because she’s never going to learn if I don’t explain the things that I would have done differently. And essentially, to if you’re hiring a professional, they can replicate that voice, they can replicate, or, you know, take it to the next level and know what to do instead of you like podcasts editing. So there’s so many things that you can outsource that. Yes, there is a little bit of a given take in it where you have to let go. But like go with the expectation that they’re going to get it wrong. Every so often. And you just have to give the feedback and they’ll correct

Dolly DeLong
it. Yeah, that’s great. I love that advice so much. And it’s all about baby steps. Seriously, yes, baby steps and I’m still working on it myself. So I’m not perfect. Still a control freak just so everybody knows here, but I am trying to let go every day. Okay, so Haylee, I know you have an awesome freebie that you want to share with everyone can you share? I’ll be sharing that in the show notes. But can you tell us a little bit about your freebie?

Haylee Gaffin
Yeah. So if you are interested in getting started with a podcast, a freebie that I want to share is my podcast budgeting worksheet. And the reason I share this is because there is a A lot of expenses that go into podcasting. And so I want every person that’s ready to start a podcast to know exactly how much they’re going to spend because expenses do pop up from gear to hosting, to music, to production, if you want to outsource, all the things that have to do with outsourcing are included on this list. So I’ll send you the link to that so you can include it in the show notes. In today’s episode, awesome.

Dolly DeLong
Awesome. So be on the lookout in the show notes for that great freebie. And y’all I’ve, I’ve gone through, like pretty much all of Haylee’s freebies and of course purchase things from her and I mean, it’s gold. So go do that. After you listen. And Haylee Do you mind sharing how people can connect with you and where, like, what your where your website is like, I’ll give us all the details.

Haylee Gaffin
Yeah, so if you want to connect with me on Instagram, I’m at Haylee Gaffin spelled a little different. So it’s H A Y L E E G A F F I N. And then over on Gaffin creative dotcom is my website, clocking in podcast comm is my podcast and my courses, podcast launch kit.com. But they can all be found at Gaffin freedom calm as well.

Dolly DeLong
Awesome. So thank you so much for taking your time to speak with me. I just have enjoyed getting to know you even more. And, and for everyone else. I hope you all continue to find the magic and joy in systems strategic workflows in automations for your business, and your life. And if you enjoyed this episode, please screenshot this and shoot me and Haylee a message and let us know like how you’re going to start incorporating the system’s strategies and workflows of podcasting into your business or what you learned in general. And again, thank you so much Haylee for joining us and joining me and talking with me. Yeah, thank

Haylee Gaffin
you so much. I appreciate it.

Dolly DeLong
Yeah, talk to you later. Thank you so much for listening to the systems and workflow magic podcast. You can find full show notes from today’s episode at dolly DeLong photography.com forward slash podcast. If you’re loving the podcast, I’d be so honored if you’d subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast player. Be sure to screenshot this episode, share it to your stories and tag me at dolly DeLong education over on Instagram. Until next time, go make some strategic workflow magic.

  1. […] business so they can work smarter and not harder. You can listen to the episode below, head to Dolly’s blog with the full show notes, or find it on your favorite podcast player, like Apple Podcast […]

  2. […] Now this is actually a question that got me thinking really hard, and I may do a full episode on it in the future. But I think there are tons of systems you should have in place specifically for your podcast before you launch. I actually talked with my friend and client Dolly DeLong about this on her podcast, the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast. You can listen to that here! […]

  3. […] Want more systems? Check out this episode of the Systems and Workflow Magic podcast, hosted by my friend & client Dolly DeLong! […]

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